Want to buy one of our jewellery kits? Or already brought one and not sure where to start? Well you're in the right place.
Bracelet Making
To make a bracelet you need to cut about 10 inches of elastic. You can either use a ruler or use a sheet of A4 paper and cut it just a little bit shorter. I know it seems long but you need plenty of space to tie the knot at the end otherwise it gets fiddly!
Whilst threading the beads keep an eye on how long its getting! You can again either measure with a ruler, or just use their wrist as a guide. Put it around their wrist, and see if it joins up. You don't want it too tight, so always add an extra one or two beads to the join. Don't add to many otherwise it will fall off.
For me it's easier to tie the knot at one end, thread the beads and then tie it straight away to the other side. But i know some people prefer to tie the other end first.
Size Guide
(These are the measurements i use when making made to order bracelets)
2-5 YEARS - approx 5.5 inch
5-8 YEARS - approx 6 inch
8+ YEARS - approx 6.5 inch
ADULT - approx 7inch
Necklace Making
To make a necklace from the mermaid kit. You'll need some scissors to cut it a bit at the end. I've cut the elastic a little longer just incase any of it frays and you need to snip it. I recommend using about 48 beads on the necklace, and using the charm in the middle. Its easier if you have a flat surface to work out how you want to put the beads on first, so you can get the charm central. The beads will roll about on a table, so its best to put down a tea towel or doing it on the floor. Or you can purchase a bead mat on amazon. I am thinking about stocking these, so i will do a poll if its something people are interested in!
One side is already secured to the safety fastening, you just need to add the other when you've finished threading on all the beads. You'll put it through the string so its faceing the other connector, and tie a double knot! Then just cut off the extra elastic.
You can watch this video if it helps, and we have funny snippets on our instagram page.